Organic ingredients

We source wildcrafted and organic ingredients to get the most benefits from the plants for your skin.

Cold pressed & unrefined

Full of antioxidants, nutritions, minerals and vitamins. High in essential fatty acids. For better composition, nutritive properties and therapeutic effects.

Fair trade & sustainability

Environmentally cautious and sustainable production is one of the key values for choosing
oil harvesters and makers.

Immortelle Nectar of Rejuvenation

Facial oil serum for deep rejuvenation, transformation, and self-healing stimulation in different imbalance conditions of the skin. More suitable for oily and combination type of skin.

Prickly Pear Seed Oil

The Secret to Radiant Skin. Extremely rich and skin nourishing oil. Quickly absorbed by the skin. It softens and gives shine to the skin, provides intense protection and is a powerful rejuvenator.

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Veronika Lieljukse


Almavera Natural Skincare Holistic botanical oils and whole-plant organics for healthy skin and beauty. Naturally restoring the balance and harmony of skin. A gift of

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Veronika Lieljukse

The Skin Microbiome

Did you know that along with our gut microbiome our skin has a microbiome of its own?  What role does it play in our wellbeing

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What our customers have to say

Ilona Shariga
Ilona Shariga
2 January, 2022
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Who knew a plant named 'prickly pear' produces such skin-friendly product? Not me. For a skin that is sensitive, thirsty, and rebuilding its barrier (after OD'ing on fashionable strong ingredients), this is god sent. I use it every day with my creams and I am happy. The service and care deserves a separate mention. The company will take the time to assess your skincare situation and recommend a product and care routine for you. And the packaging and extra personal touches (such as hand-harvested herbs for your skin tonic) just puts it on a whole different plane. Great all around.
Linda T.
Linda T.
18 September, 2020
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Par Almavera uzzināju caur draudzeni, kad meklēju augustas kvalitātes dabīgus sejas kopšanas līdzekljus, un patiesībā šis uzdevums nebija viegls. Gribēju savai sejas ādai iedot ko IZCILU un ievērtēt, cik ljoti tā var uzlaboties pārejot uz dabīgo kopšanas režīmu. 30 gadiem pienaakot vairs nevēlējos uz savas sejas likt harsh chemicals, bet sākt par to rūpēties pareizi. Par cik man ir kombinēta tipa āda un T-zona dienas laikā kljuust taukaina, viena no galvenajām lietām ko meklēju produktos ir sebuma balancēšana. Kad padzirdēju par šo kompāniju vienkārši uzrakstīju Veronikai Instagramā, kur vinja atbildēja uz visiem maniem jautājimiem, izskaidroja visu ko vēlējos zināt un ieteica man piemērotāko produktu. Veronika ir ljoti zinoša un izpalīdzīga! Šobrīd lietoju savu pirmo Immortelle serumu un aada ir jau aciimredzami uzlabojusies; T-zonas taukainība pazuda dazhu dienu laikaa. Esmu ljooooti apmierinaata Ar sho Produktu kaa arii to, ka jebkuraa laikaa varu uzrakstīt Veronikai, un zinu, ka man informatīvi atbildēs! Paldies par šo un ar nepacietību gaidu pilno kopšanas līniju!
Santa V.
Santa V.
12 September, 2020
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I am currently using my third bottle of this nectar. Since last summer I have implemented a skin care routine that Veronika has recommended to me, so that I can get the best out of using the nectar on the skin of my face and neck. My skin has become the softest it has been since I was probably a toddler still.
Elīna L.
Elīna L.
20 May, 2020
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Jau ilgu laiku mocijos ar pumpām un sausiem pleķiem uz sejas. No dažnedažādiem krēmiem alerģiskas reakcijas. Taču, kad sāku lietot šīs īpaši izvēlētās, pētītās eļļas, veidotas un kombinētas visu laiku testējot ādu reakcijas... tad nu beidzot pēc gada lietošanas beidzot mana āda ir “uzplaukusi” un atsākusi pašdziedināties.

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